No.Nama DosenJudul PenelitianDivisi Keilmuan
1Prof. Dr. Arif Faisal, Sp.Rad (K) DHSMCorrelation Of Lumbal Pulposus Hernia Nucleus Degree
According To Michigan State University (MSU)
Classification Of Therapy Options
Neuroradiologi dan kepala leher
2Prof. Dr. Arif Faisal, Sp.Rad (K) DHSMThe Relation Of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Severity Based
On Thorax Radiograph And CD 4 Score In HIV Patient
Radiology Thoraks
3Prof. Dr. Arif Faisal, Sp.Rad (K) DHSM (Editor)Research Article : Bali Medical Journal : Transarterial Chemoembolization in Hepatocellular Carcinoma : A Clinical Efficacy Study of Ganoderma Lucidum Extract Polysaccharide Peptide β-GlucanRadiologi Intervensi
4dr. Yana Supriatna, Ph.D, Sp.Rad (K) RIUltrasonographic Diagnostic Test Using Korean Thyroid Imaging Reporting And Data System In
Thyroid Nodule With Patholoy As Gold Standard
Neuroradiologi dan kepala leher
5dr. Yana Supriatna, Ph.D, Sp.Rad (K) RIValue Of Lactate And N-Acetylaspartate
Signal In Peritumoral Edema On Multi-Voxel Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy To Determine Grade Of
Primary Brain Tumor
Neuroradiologi dan kepala leher
6Dr. dr. Bagaswoto P., Sp.Rad (K) RI, Sp.KN, M.Kes, FICA sebagai AuthorResearch Article : Journal of the Medical Sciences : The role of transcatheter arterial chemoinfusion (TACI) in unresectable adenocarcinoma colorectal:a case reportRadiologi Intervensi
7Dr. dr. Bagaswoto P., Sp.Rad (K) RI, Sp.KN, M.Kes, FICA sebagai Co- AuthorResearch Article : Indonesian Journal of Physics and Nuclear Application : In Vitro and In Vivo Test of Boron Delivery Agent for BNCTRadioterapi
8Dr. dr. Bagaswoto P, Sp.Rad (K) FIHA, SpKN, MkesThe Role of BNCT in Breast Cancer TreatmentKedokteran Nuklir
9Dr. dr. Bagaswoto P, Sp.Rad (K) FIHA, SpKN, MkesIn Vitro and In Vivo Test of Boron Delivery Agent for Boron Neutron
Capture Therapy
Kedokteran Nuklir
10Dr.dr.Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Pathological profiles and clinical management challenges of breast cancer
emerging in young women in Indonesia:a
hospital-based study
Woman Imaging
11Dr.dr.Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Computer aided diagnosis for thyroid cancer system based on internal
and external characteristics
Neuroradiologi dan kepala leher
12Dr.dr.Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Conceptual Model for Human Anatomy Learning Based Augmented Reality on Marker Puzzle 3D PrintingAnatomy
13Dr.dr.Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)An emergency case of small bowel obstruction due to multiple
gallstones in a limited resource setting
Radiologi Gastroinstestinal
14Dr.dr.Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Knowledge and Acceptance Towards Mammography as Breast
Cancer Screening Tool Among Yogyakarta Women and Health Care
Providers (Mammography Screening in Indonesia)
Woman Imaging
15Dr.dr.Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Interaction of Arg194Trp and Arg399Gln genotypes with the risk of
radiation on cancer patients
16Dr.dr.Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Impressive Response to Capecitabine in a
Patient with Obstructive Jaundice due to
Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Woman Imaging
17Dr.dr.Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)The Relation Of Adenomyosis Myometrial Cyst And Fertility Status Of Premenopausal Women In Breast And Reproduction Organ Screening Participant In RSUP Sardjito Year 2018-2019Woman Imaging
18Dr.dr.Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Correlation Between Endogenous Estrogen
Related Factors And Mammographic Density In
Premenopausal Women Participants For Breast
Cancer And Reproduction Screening In
RSUP Dr Sardjito In 2018-2019
Woman Imaging
19Dr.dr.Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Comparison of Electrical Impedance Tomography and
Ultrasonography for Determination of Solid and
Cystic Lesion Resembling Breast Tumor Embedded in
Chicken Phantom
Woman Imaging
20Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)IEEE Conference Paper : Conceptual Model for Human Anatomy Learning Based Augmented Reality on Marker Puzzle 3D PrintingAnatomy
21Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K) sebagai Co-AuthorResearch Article : Journal of King Saud Univeristy - Computer and Information Sciences : Computer aided diagnosis for thyroid cancer system based on internal and external characteristicsRadioterapi
22Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K) sebagai Co-AuthorResearch Article : Oncology Research and Treatment : Impressive Response to Capecitabine in a Patient with Obstructive Jaundice due to Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast CancerRadioterapi
23Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K) sebagai Co-AuthorResearch Article: BMC Women's Health: Pathological profiles and clinical
management challenges of breast cancer emerging in young women in Indonesia: a hospital-based study
Woman Imaging
24Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K) sebagai Co-AuthorCase Report : International Journal of Surgery Case Reports: An emergency case of small bowel obstruction due to multiple gallstones in a limited resource settingGastroenterology
25Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Risk factors and prognostic value of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in hormone positive, non-metastatic breast cancer receiving adjuvant hormonal therapyWoman Imaging
26Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Research Article : BMC Gastroenterology : Sarcopenia and intramuscular fat deposition are associated with poor survival in Indonesia patients with hepatocellular carcinoma : a retrospective study"Gastroenterology
27Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (KResearch Article : BMC Gastroenterology : Sarcopenia and Low Mean Muscle Attenuation are associated with poor survival in Indonesian patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: a retrospective studyGastroenterology
28Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Research Article : BIODIVERSITAS : Interaction of arg194trp and arg399gln genotypes with the risk of radiation on cancer patientsRadioterapi
29dr. Nurhuda Hendra Setyawan, Sp.Rad sebagai Co-AuthorResearch Article : BMC Gastroenterology : Sarcopenia and intramuscular fat deposition are associated with poor survival in Indonesia patients with hepatocellular carcinoma : a retrospective study"
30dr. Nurhuda Hendra Setyawan, Sp.Rad.,M.Sc.Research Article : BMC Gastroenterology : Sarcopenia and Low Mean Muscle Attenuation are associated with poor survival in Indonesian patients with hepatocellular carcinoma: a retrospective study
31dr. Wigati Dhamiyati, Sp.Rad (K) OnkInteraction of Arg194Trp and Arg399Gln genotypes with the risk of
radiation on cancer patients
32dr. Wigati Dhamiyati, Sp.Rad (K) OnkResearch Article : BIODIVERSITAS : Interaction of arg194trp and arg399gln genotypes with the risk of radiation on cancer patientsRadioterapi
33dr. Anita Ekowati, Sp.Rad (K)Ultrasonographic Diagnostic Test Using Korean Thyroid Imaging Reporting And Data System In
Thyroid Nodule With Patholoy As Gold Standard
Neuroradiologi dan kepala leher
34dr. Evi Artsini, Sp.Rad(K)Diagnostic Value Of Lactate And N-Acetylaspartate
Signal In Peritumoral Edema On Multi-Voxel Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy To Determine Grade Of
Primary Brain Tumor
Neuroradiologi dan kepala leher
35dr. Hesti Gunarti, Sp.Rad (K) RAThe Relation Of Adenomyosis Myometrial Cyst And Fertility Status Of Premenopausal Women In Breast And Reproduction Organ Screening Participant In RSUP Sardjito Year 2018-2019Woman Imaging
36dr. Henry Kusumo Husodoputro, Sp.Rad(K)Correlation Of Lumbal Pulposus Hernia Nucleus Degree
According To Michigan State University (MSU)
Classification Of Therapy Options
Neuroradiologi dan kepala leher
37dr. Afif Rahman, Sp.RadNon-Hodgkin Lymphoma Secondary to Cancer Chemotherapy in a Patient with Small Cell Carcinoma of the PancreasRadioterapi
38dr. Ajeng Viska Icanervilia, MPHKnowledge and Acceptance Towards Mammography as Breast
Cancer Screening Tool Among Yogyakarta Women and Health Care
Providers (Mammography Screening in Indonesia)
Woman Imaging
39dr. Sri Retna Dwidanarti, Sp.Rad (K) OnkInteraction of Arg194Trp and Arg399Gln genotypes with the risk of
radiation on cancer patients
40dr. Sri Retna Dwidanarti, Sp.Rad (K) OnkResearch Article : BIODIVERSITAS : Interaction of arg194trp and arg399gln genotypes with the risk of radiation on cancer patientsRadioterapi
41dr. Bambang Purwanto Utomo, Sp.Rad (K), M.Med.EdThe Relation Of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Severity Based
On Thorax Radiograph And CD 4 Score In HIV Patient
Radiology Thoraks
42dr. Sudarmanta, Sp.Rad(K) RICorrelation Between Endogenous Estrogen
Related Factors And Mammographic Density In
Premenopausal Women Participants For Breast
Cancer And Reproduction Screening In
RSUP Dr Sardjito In 2018-2019
Woman Imaging
43dr. Sudarmanta, Sp.Rad(K) RIHigher level of acute serum VEGF and larger
infarct volume are more frequently associated
with post-stroke cognitive impairment
Radiologi Intervensi
44dr.Yana Supriatna, Sp.Rad (K)Ph.DCase Report : Wiley : Remarkable response to pericardial window procedure and weekly docetaxel treatment in a metastatic breast cancer patient with pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponadeWoman Imaging
45Dr. dr. Bagaswoto P., Sp.Rad (K) RI, Sp.KN, M.Kes, FICA sebagai AuthorAggressive behavior of Her-2 positive colloid breast carcinoma: A case report in a metastatic breast cancerWoman Imaging
46Dr. dr. Bagaswoto P., Sp.Rad (K) RI, Sp.KN, M.Kes, FICA sebagai AuthorResearch Article : Bali Medical Journal : Transarterial Chemoembolization in Hepatocellular Carcinoma : A Clinical Efficacy Study of Ganoderma Lucidum Extract Polysaccharide Peptide β-GlucanRadiologi Intervensi
47Dr. dr. Bagaswoto P., Sp.Rad (K) RI, Sp.KN, M.Kes, FICA sebagai AuthorResearch Article : Atom Indonesia : The Role of BNCT in Breast Cancer TreatmentRadioterapi
48Dr.dr.Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Aggressive behavior of Her-2 positive colloid breast carcinoma: A case report in a metastatic breast cancerWoman Imaging
49Dr.dr.Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Research Article : Journal of the Medical Sciences : The role of transcatheter arterial chemoinfusion (TACI) in unresectable adenocarcinoma colorectal:a case reportRadiologi Intervensi
50Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K) sebagai Co-Author178P Risks of distant metastasis of different breast cancer subtypes after surgery: A cohort study in indigenous Indonesian populationWoman Imaging
51Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K) sebagai Co-Author60P Risk factors of bone metastasis and skeletal-related events in high-risk breast cancer patientsWoman Imaging
52Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K) sebagai Co-AuthorCase Report : Annals of Medicine and Surgery: Aggressive behavior of Her-2 positive colloid breast carcinoma: A case report in a metastatic breast cancerWoman Imaging
53Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K) sebagai Co-AuthorResearch Article: World Journal of Surgical Oncology: Risk factors of distant metastasis after surgery among different breast cancer subtypes: a hospital-based study in Indonesia

Woman Imaging
54Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K) sebagai AuthorCase Report : Journal of Medical Case Reports : Advanced lesions of synchronous bilateral mammary Paget's disease : a case reportWoman Imaging
55Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)2020 ICACSIS : Deep Learning for Analyzing Thyroid Nodule Malignancy Based on the Composition Characteristic of the Ultrasonography ImagesNeuroradiologi dan kepala leher
56Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Case Report : Wiley : Remarkable response to pericardial window procedure and weekly docetaxel treatment in a metastatic breast cancer patient with pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponadeWoman Imaging
57Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K) sebagai Co-AuthorResearch Article : Journal of Biology & Biology Education : The Cytogenetic Effects on Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes in Cancer Patients After Radiation Therapy: Chromosome Aberrations and MicronucleiRadioterapi
58Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K) sebagai PenulisBuku ISBN : Modul Imaging Diagnostik Aplikasi Plugins Bio-Formats Median Filter & Sharpen Pada Citra Endodontik Cone Beam Computed TomographyAnatomy
59dr. Sudarmanta, Sp.Rad (K) RI sebagai Co-AuthorResearch Article : PLOS ONE : Higher level of acute serum VEGF and larger infarct volume are more frequently associated with post-stroke cognitive impairmentNeuroradiologi dan kepala leher
60dr. Hesti Gunarti, Sp.Rad(K) RA sebagai Co-AuthorResearch Note : BMC Research Notes : Accuracy of transition zone in contrast enema to predict intraoperative aganglionosis level in patients with Hirschsprung diseaseGastroenterology
61dr.Sri Retna Dwidanarti, Sp.Rad (Onk)Case Report : Wiley : Remarkable response to pericardial window procedure and weekly docetaxel treatment in a metastatic breast cancer patient with pericardial effusion and cardiac tamponadeWoman Imaging
62dr. Bambang Purwanto Utomo, Sp.Rad (K), M.Med.Ed sebagai Co-AuthorActa Interna: Impressive Result of Gemcitabine and Cisplatin Combination Therapy in Post-Operative Residual Cholangiocarcinoma Patient Presenting with Hyperbilirubinemia, an Experience in Indonesian Tertiary HospitalRadioterapi
63dr. Ericko Ekaputra, Sp.Onk RadEnsuring safety and sustainability of radiotherapy services during the COVID-19 pandemic in resources constrain country: An Indonesian experienceRadioterapi
64dr. Nurhuda Hendra Setyawan, Sp.Rad.,M.Sc.2020 ICACSIS : Deep Learning for Analyzing Thyroid Nodule Malignancy Based on the Composition Characteristic of the Ultrasonography ImagesNeuroradiologi dan kepala leher
65dr. Nurhuda Hendra Setyawan, Sp. Rad, M.ScRadiomics: Korelasi antara Fenotip Magnetic Resonance Imaging dengan Indeks Proliferasi
Ki-67 pada Glioma Otak
Neuroradiologi dan kepala leher
66dr. Ajeng Viska Icanervilia, MPH sebagai Co- AuthorRapid Review : PROSPERO : Therapeutic modalities of COVID-19 infection: a rapid reviewThorax
67Prof. dr. Arif Faisal, Sp.Rad(K), DHSM8-Hydroxy-2-Deoxyguanosine as Oxidative
DNA Damage Biomarker of Medical
Ionizing Radiation: A Scoping Review
68dr. Yana Supriatna, Sp.Rad (K), Ph.DIndonesia Journal of Biomedical Science: Sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma mimicking a non-functioning kidney with stone: A rare case reportGastroenterology
69Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K) sebagai Co-AuthorFatty Liver in Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer and Its Impact on Patient's SurvivalWoman Imaging
70Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)BMC Cancer : Metabolic comorbidities and the association with risks of recurrent metastatic disease in breast cancer survivorsWoman Imaging
71Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K) sebagai Co-AuthorCase Report : Journal of Medical Case Report : Concurrent manifestation of Horner's syndrome and esophageal metastasis of breast cancer : case report of a young woman after a period of non-adherence treatment: a case reportWoman Imaging
72Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Journal of Physics: Conference Series : Design of electrical impedance tomography for biomedicinePhysics
73Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Knowledge and Acceptance Towards Mammography as Breast Cancer Screening Tool Among Yogyakarta Women and Health Care Providers (Mammography Screening in Indonesia)Woman Imaging
74Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance: Comparison of Electrical Impedance Tomography and Ultrasonography for Determination of Solid and Cystic Lesion Resembling Breast Tumor Embedded in Chicken PhantomWoman Imaging
75Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad (K)Research Square: A Qualitative Study: Early Detection of Breast Cancer in Indonesia (After Universal Health Coverage Implementation)Woman Imaging
76dr. Henry Kusumo Husodoputro, Sp.Rad. (K)Research Article : PLOS ONE : Survival outcome and prognostic factors of patients with nasopharyngeal cancer in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: a hospital-based retrospective studyNeuroradiologi dan kepala leher
77dr. Wigati Dhamiyati, Sp.Rad(K)OnkResearch Article : PLOS ONE : Survival outcome and prognostic factors of patients with nasopharyngeal cancer in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: a hospital-based retrospective studyNeuroradiologi dan kepala leher
78dr. Sri Retna Dwidanarti, Sp. Rad(K)OnkResearch Article : PLOS ONE : Survival outcome and prognostic factors of patients with nasopharyngeal cancer in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: a hospital-based retrospective studyNeuroradiologi dan kepala leher
79dr. Bambang Purwanto Utomo, Sp.Rad (K), M.Med.EdExcellent response of rituximab and bendamustine in elderly patient with relapsed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: a case reportRadioterapi
80dr. Bambang Purwanto Utomo, Sp.Rad (K), M.Med.Ed sebagai Co-AuthorCase Report : Case Reports in Oncology : A Complicated Case of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma in an Elderly Presenting with Massive Gastrointestinal Bleeding Successfully Treated with R-mini CHOPGastroenterology
81dr.Ericko Ekaputra, Sp.Onk RadCase Report : Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences : Extraventricular Choroid Plexus Carcinoma with Spinal Metastasis: A Case ReportNeuroradiologi dan kepala leher
82dr. Hanif Afkari, Sp.KNAnnals of Medicine and Surgery: Correlation between ER, PR, HER-2, and Ki-67 with the risk of bone metastases detected by bone scintigraphy in breast cancer patients: A cross sectional studyWoman Imaging
83dr. Hanif Afkari, Sp.KNJournal of Medical Physics and Biophysics: Designing an analysis system for imaging process from bone scintigraphy as a potential predictor for validation of bone metastasesMuskuloskeletal
84dr. Afif Rahman, Sp.RadMediastinal Ectopic Pancreas with Abundant Endocrine Cells
Coexisting with Mediastinal Cyst and Thymic Hyperplasia
85dr. Nurhuda Hendra Setyawan, Sp.Rad.,M.Sc.Journal of Physics: Conference Series : Design of electrical impedance tomography for biomedicinePhysics
86dr. Nurhuda Hendra Setyawan, Sp.Rad.,M.Sc.Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance: Comparison of Electrical Impedance Tomography and Ultrasonography for Determination of Solid and Cystic Lesion Resembling Breast Tumor Embedded in Chicken PhantomWoman Imaging
87dr. Nurhuda Hendra Setyawan, Sp.Rad.,M.Sc.Case Report : Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences : Extraventricular Choroid Plexus Carcinoma with Spinal Metastasis: A Case ReportGastroenterology
88dr. Ajeng Viska Icanervilia, MPHKnowledge and Acceptance Towards Mammography as Breast Cancer Screening Tool Among Yogyakarta Women and Health Care Providers (Mammography Screening in Indonesia)Woman Imaging
89dr. Ajeng Viska Icanervilia, MPHResearch Square: A Qualitative Study: Early Detection of Breast Cancer in Indonesia (After Universal Health Coverage Implementation)Woman Imaging
90dr. Yana Supriatna, Ph.D., Sp.Rad.(K) RIPembelajaran Manajemen Nyeri Lumbat Facet Joint Melalui Phantom, Augmented Needle, Jarum Suntik Elektrik, dan Simulasi Prototype C-armRadiologi
91dr. Sri Retna Dwidanarti, Sp.Rad
(K) Onk
dan dr. Torana Kurniawan, Sp.Onk Rad
Perbandingan Distribusi Dosis Treatment Planning System Teknik Radioterapi 3DCRT Dan
IMRT Pada Kanker Payudara Bilateral
92dr. Ericko Ekaputra, Sp.Onk.Rad(K) dan dr. Bambang Purwanto Utomo, Sp.Rad. (K), M.Med.Ed.Performance status, CEA, and histologic grade are associated with the overall survival of patients with synchronous metastatic colorectal cancer in Yogyakarta, IndonesiaRadiologi
93Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad.(K); dr. Anggraeni Ayu Rengganis, M.Sc.; dr. Bestari Ariningrum Setyawati, Msi.Med, Sp.Rad; dr. Devina Yudhistiarta; dr. Naela Himayati Afifah, M.Sc., Sp.Rad.; dr. Ajeng Viska Icanervilia, MPH.Uji Coba Risk Assessment kanker Payudara Modifikasi Tyrer-Cuzick dengan Metode Chatbot ‘Pink Calculator”Breast Cancer
94dr. Naela Himayati Afifah, M.Sc., Sp.Rad; dr. Bestari Ariningrum Setyawati, Msi.Med, Sp.Rad dan Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad.(K)X-ray AI TB Aplikasi Kecerdasan Buatan dalam Pembacaan X-ray Digital untuk Skrining TubRadiologi
95Dr. dr. Lina Choridah, Sp.Rad.(K)Ultrasonografi Payudara & AksilaRadiologi